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I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - can't wait to see it!


Can you believe Jason never saw the original? You know what we're doing this Friday night!


I think that it is very interesting that there is a remake at all. One of the reasons is that the first movie was so dark and sarcastic. Not a children's movie, they said. Although to be fair the book is this. (Roald Dahl was my favorite author in grade school.)

There's a part of me that does make me giddy when I hear about the promotion with the real golden tickets, now there's an opportunity for a great documentary!


As an bookish English schoolgirl who devoured the printed version Charlie & the Chocolate Factory over and over and over again, I was heartbroken when Gene Wilder shattered my entire childhood imagination with the first movie which just ruined it for me. It seemed such an Americanization of a Britsh classic. I am certain I am going to prefer this one. I love johnny depp, I love Tim burton, their style appears to fit in more with my personal vision for the book.

You know what ruined it for me. When the kids first go into the factory and they open the first door, they are mean to be in a vast room with acres of peppermint grass banking down towards a chocolate river in the distance with a pink boiled sweet boat. But Gene wilder was standing on a small set with lollipop trees made of cardboard. I was in incredulous. I can't tell you upset I will be if Burton can't do better. no excuse these days, it can all be done in 3D.

Barbara Fisher

I saw the trailer for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and I was struck by how much Johnny Depp had been made up to look rather like Micheal Jackson. It was quite creepy.

And creepy and dark fits with the tone of the story, so, I guess it makes sense.

I did like the original film, though, I agree with Sam in that it was a very Americanized version--I always liked the book better myself. And I am not even a Brit. ;-)

I think that Tim Burton will do it justice.

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